Who am I?

A visit to Seattle in 2023 💕 Systems Design, Plants, and having Computers do things for you are three things I love! Why not have all at once?


Besides working in IT Systems Administration for my University while working towards my degree, I most recently worked with NVMe SSD Storage Systems, writing Embedded C Firmware on RTOS platforms, and making FPGA system design modifications using Xilinx Products.

At the moment, I'm looking toward new opportunities! Contact me at my email

The first time I became captivated by computers while in the 7th grade attending a STEM Middle School, where I took an entry level programming course that also exposed me to the world of Microcontrollers! (in the form of Arduino, a simplified version of C++)

Being able to create a device that was equipped with a number of digital and analog sensors that could interact with the external world and then translate that to numbers which a computer could interpret was, AND still is incredible to me! Not to mention, also reprogrammable on-the-fly?!

In taking this course, I actually managed to get my first contracted work (20 whole hours!) designing and programming a DNA cycler which used a TEC (Thermo Electric Cooler).
In essence, these two-sided heat pumps are able to cool one side of the device, while simultaneously heating the other. See the Peltier Effect for more!

The DNA cycling system I worked on performed timed heating + cooling operations whose length and intensity depended upon a thermistor measuring temperature within the DNA chamber, and was implemented on an ATmega328P!

One key component of this interaction, is that without external factors (eg. fans) the heat will ultimately overtake the cooling! It is essential to balance this!

I have also been a long-time advocate of 3D-Printing technologies and tinkerer, gaining a fair amount of experience with 3D CAD Software tools (Autodesk, Solidworks, Blender) which has helped me develop prototyping skills when bringing ideas to physical life!

In my free time, I often volunteer for the FBLC to help in the mission of ending hunger for those facing food insecurity, as well as reducing food waste - something that is not talked about enough.
To put some numbers from the EPA in perspective, the EPA estimates that in 2019, 66 million tons of wasted food was generated in the food retail, food service, and residential sectors, and most of this waste (about 60%) was sent to landfills

Feeding people (for free) is one of the major ways to divert a lot of these foods while also aiding social causes. My local food bank saves about 93% of the food donated by organizations such as Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Sprouts, and others.

I highly encourage anyone to get involved with a food rescue organization, as I've found it to be a fantastic way to make a difference in a community, while also contributing to a more sustainable world!

Beyond this, I also love to spend time exploring in nature, as well as relaxing with my goofball of a pooch! Also, what ecosystem wouldn't be complete without a predator of some sort? My veiled chameleon, Dilbert, often enjoys preying on small critters such as crickets and waxworms.

Feel free to contact me at my email